Help us uncover how our behavior impacts

our mental health.

Smartphones can be a great source of valuable behavior information that we believe is directly related to mental health.

This 12 week study will help us connect the dots.

About the study

Over the course of 12 weeks, we will be able to see how your behavior links to your mental health by using our Behavioral Vital Signs app.

We will also be guiding you to understand how certain changes, like consistent sleeping patterns could help improve your well being.

Every week we’ll send surveys and check-ins to see how you’re doing.

Meanwhile the app will collect the information it needs to understand your behavior patterns.

By the end of the study we will be able to give you a complete summary of the relationship between how you feel and what you do (sleep?).

You won’t be alone in this journey, our team will support you along the way.

Who can join

18+ years old

  • Experiencing symptoms of depression with A diagnosis of X, X or X within the last 12 months

  • English Speaking

  • US Resident

  • Minimum Phone Requirements

    • iOS:  iPhone 6s or later and OS15 or later

    • Android: Android 7 OS or later

  • Study Application Review (Health Rhythms is looking at a demographic mix, so not all submissions will be accepted, but future studies will be made available.)